BBN SMS Peronalised Content Messaging Solution
BBN bulk SMS Personalized Content messaging (template messaging) is an easy to use powerful solution that enables you to broadcast personalised messages with related contents to multiple recipients at same time. SMS is sent to receiver’s mobile phone with the content personal and aimed at that specific individual, allowing for compelling one-to-one communication.
Achieving customer retention and exploring new markets mostly lies on the relevance to the end user. Value needs to be carried from the communicator to the recipients for the message to realise the ultimate aim of the sender, with BBN SMS personalised messaging application you can accomplish that and much more.
Now you can sell and promote products, acquire, engage and retain consumers, drive loyalty, and reinforce branding efforts via BBN SMS personalised content messaging solution to give your messages personal effects and deliver relevant SMS to target audience.
BBN SMS WAP Push Solution
BBN SMS WAP Push is a feature that allows clients to combine the flexibility of WAP with the convenience of SMS. BBN SMS WAP push solution allows you to send rich multimedia contents to smart phones at the same rate as sending a normal SMS.
Right on your BBN Account, you can send multimedia messages to mobile phones of your customers with all simplicity and ease. With BBN SMS WAP Push Messaging tool, you can stay connected with your friends and loved ones, share pictures of birthdays, anniversary, weddings and other events at cheaper rates
BBN SMS Flash Message Solution
With BBN SMS flash message solution, SMS appears on the screen of the recipient mobile phone instead of the inbox. The receiver has the option of saving the SMS to his inbox or deleting it. This great solution attracts receiver’s attention more than a normal SMS
Register now @ BBN SMS and take advantage of these options and other great features to expand your business horizon
Written by Bernadine Umeokafor G.