Thursday, 26 February 2009

Busted! Fraudsters. BBN your one stop solution to curtailing Fraudsters

Deji hit his leg against a stone and almost keeled over, it was common place to find uneven and rocky parts in this area of satellite town ojo Lagos. It usually damaged shoes so it made sense to walk on plain flat slippers (that was if you really loved your shoes and he did) till you could leave satellite town or possibly get closer to the venue of the event you wished to attend, if you had an important ocassion to attend which merited extremely formal attire or alternatively you could drive, if you had a car, he thought with a smile and he didn't, not yet! anyway, but all of that was going to change in a matter of days.
That one thing really made him happy, the car he was saving up to buy ,his status was going to change from walking on foot to driving and in just a few days. One just had to realise that life was in stages , he could barely contain his own excitement, who would have known that from his middle class job he could save enough to buy his own car, which proved that good things came to those who waited he thanked the almighty God for the timely intervention of BBN , If not his dream might never had come to fruition, but people were wicked oh!, had it not been for Browser Based Nigeria bulksms text message fraud alerts in conjunction with the bank.
Just imagine, he had almost got cheated or 419'ed as it was popularly known in this part of Nigeria ( which name had been derived from the name of the criminal code number that had been given to the criminal offence) by fraudsters and they had almost suceeded at making a shipwreack of his dreams, and they would have suceeded too, if not for the timely intervention of the Bulk SMS company he was using Browser Based Nigeria .
He had only started using the message service recently, which included a fraud alert as one of the company's various innovative package(s) he had patronised. Thus the minute the fraudsters had tried to steal from him he had immediately received the important warning message via Browser Based Nigeria bulksms textmessage that had saved his investments, which informed him that some of those lawless and heartless individuals were trying to hatch a plot to defraud him and the 'get rich quick rats' had been caught right in the act. It had happened so quickly that he was still in a bit of a daze about the details all he knew was that somehow his bank had alerted him to an anomaly and the speed of delivery with which BBN SMS had communicated the events to him enabling him to take drastic and immediate action by involvving law enforcement agents which had saved him, his lifes savings. What's more, the fraud alerts were actionable fraudalerts, thus the offenders were in court and would be brought to book, soon and he could rest easy knowing that once this final instalment payment was made for his car, it would be his, thanks to Browser Based Nigeria Bulksms text message, his dream of being a car owner was being realised. If not for their actionable fraud alerts he might never realised on time that he was about to be defrauded by fraudsters, they had proved to be a friend in need and just at the nick of time too...
Browser Based Nigeria
Blog by Roxy Doghor

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